Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Department Chair: Dr. Shareefa Al-Adwani


The mission of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences is to advance knowledge of humanity through critical inquiry. The Department strives to achieve this mission by employing multidisciplinary methods to examine the human mind, individual and group behavior, societies, cultures, and the environment. Coursework in the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and environmental studies prepare students for lifelong learning, to continue their education at the post-graduate level, and for careers in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences endorses the core values of a liberal arts education and supports the values of professionalism, dedication, honesty, and transparency in all academic and professional activities.

The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences aspires to offer intellectually-engaging, challenging, and dynamic programs in anthropology, psychology, and environmental studies for the enrichment of university faculty, students, and the public. The Department seeks to advance these disciplines by pursuing excellence in all areas of teaching, research, and service, both locally and internationally.

The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences includes the following disciplines (fields of study):

  • Anthropology (SBSA)
  • Psychology (PSYC)
  • Environmental Studies (ENVS)

The Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences offers a Bachelor of Arts in Social and Behavioral Sciences—Concentration in Anthropology, and a minor in the same.

Faculty Statistics

Department: Social and Behavioural Sciences

Term: Fall 2017

Date of Report: 2/1/2018

Please note that the data in this report is accurate as of the above reporting date (unless otherwise noted).

Faculty Members - Academic
Full-time 4 66.7%
Part-time 2 33.3%
*Administrative Assistants support multiple departments and are not included above

Student Statistics

Department: Social and Behavioural Sciences

Term: Fall 2017

Date of Report: 2/1/2018

Please note that the data in this report is accurate as of the above reporting date (unless otherwise noted).

Social & Behavioral Sciences
Not Declared - UG Only
Intended^ (Non-Govt. Scholarship) 11
Govt. Scholarship 4
Total 15
Non-Govt. Scholarship 8
Govt. Scholarship 22
Majors Total 30
Minors (if applicable) 6
Awarded* 4

Please Note that the above includes those students who have declared more than one major or minor.

Each declaration is counted within the relevant discipline. Additionally, Graduates Awarded are counted in the majors listing above.

^Intended refers to students who reported upon admission an intended major, which does not guarantee major declaration.

*Awarded refers only to students who met all graduation requirements and were awarded a degree for the term indicated in this report (as of date of report).

Student Enrollment in Courses
End of term
ENVS101 1 36 1 36
PSYC101 3 106 3 101
PSYC203 3 87 3 85
PSYC204 1 34 1 34
PSYC235 1 27 1 27
PSYC470 1 1 1 1
SBSA101 2 57 2 56
SBSA210 1 20 1 19
SBSA222 1 14 1 14
SBSA360 1 28 1 26
SBSA370 2 17 2 18
SBSA389 1 17 1 17
SBSA485 1 6 1 6
Grand Total 19 450 19 440
Cross-Listed Sections
COMM222 1 1 1 1
SBSA222 14 14
MUSC370 2 33 2 32
SBSA370 17 18

* Data as of census date